Friday, April 25, 2008


Before I developed an addiction to Etsy, I was locked in a love affair with words and music. I indulged in this passion through Pathetic a website dedicated to poets. You can visit my own pathetic library here. I haven't written much since opening my Etsy shop and I have missed it more than I thought I would. So today I thought I would take a brief moment to share with you the wonder of poetry and my own love affair with the written language.

There is something magical about our ability to express ourselves through the written word. Without facial expressions or vocal inflection, we must choose our words carefully in order to draw the appropriate response from our audience. Writing is an outlet for our emotions. It is a way to purge ourselves of events, memories, experiences that threaten to poison our souls or curdle our inner selves. Without this outlet, I truly believe that I would be sporting a white coat with extra long sleeves and residing in a lovely studio apartment with padded walls.

Poetry can be light hearted and fun:

The Unwanted Guest
by Genevieve Sturrock

if i feed this cold
will it go away
or decide to visit
for yet another day

i could try and starve it
let it wither up and die
maybe without sustenance
it will bug some other guy

do you think that sleep would bore it
and send it on it's way
or just rejuvenate it
enough to want to stay

i'm sick of all the sniffling
the sneezing and the hacking
won't somebody tell me what to do
to send this d*** cold packing


Or a way to share our own knowledge:

Love Life Marriage (Reprised)
by Genevieve Sturrock

all perfect men
have flaws to expose when
love gains sight

true love begins
when the honeymoon's over and
the first big fight

stumbling blocks
become building blocks for
the road of life

it takes more
than just exhanging rings to be
husband and wife


Or, as is the most often case with me, an emotional outlet. Certainly cheaper than therapy:

Either Way, It's Still Dead
by Genevieve Sturrock

you held the knife
but i'm the one
who thrust my
heart upon it
as we both stared
in wide eyed shock
i'm the one
who had pulled
it off with
a wrenching twist
wringing out
every ounce
of pain
until all
that remained
was a mutilated
pile of emotion
putrifying in
the aftermath
yes, i thrust my heart
upon that knife
but you were the one
who held it steady


I hope you enjoyed these selections from my library and that you will take a few moments of your time to really look at and read some of the wonderful authors at Pathetic.


Elizabeth said...

Those are wonderful! How talented you are! You can shape words, spaces, stones, metal, paper, or fabric into beautiful images to delight our minds, and our touch and our sight. And I know for a fact that you also can shape sound to delight the ear.
Wow! How talented can you be?! How many talents do you have??!!

My Heart said...

hi. i clicked on the link at your pathetic profile (i'm also a pathetic member). you have a cool blog so i'll be adding it to my feeds of daily reads. merry meet!

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i sew because i cannot draw.